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Education Funding

The cost of higher education is increasing. The need for access to higher education and the cost will put a financial strain on you and your family. That is why it is important to start planning for your child's education as soon as possible, because the earlier you begin, the more time you allow your money to grow. The child education policy will provide the funds needed by your child to pursue further education and assures that whatever happens in the future, your child will still have the means to pursue some of his/her goals in life.

When choosing a policy, always
• Consider how much money you want to set aside for your child’s education.
• Make sure that the premium is affordable.
• Choose a policy that gives you flexibility so you can gradually increase the savings in the future.
• Ensure that you opt for the payor benefit rider.

To help you support your child’s educational goals & financial requirements, we at Kaizzen Plus are well placed to suggest a comprehensive plan which is designed to provide defined benefits, at specific milestones in your child’s life.

Feel free to contact us by e-mail info@kaizzenplus.com or phone +971-4-2567208 and one of our sales representatives will contact you to schedule an appointment.

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