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Life Insurance - Individual / Group

Life Insurance protects you and your family against financial misfortunes on account of unforeseen circumstances & this reason alone should be enough to convince everyone to take life insurance plans. None of us know what ‘s round the corner, and what we may be faced with, be it an accident, illness or, in the worst case, death.

We aim to help you prepare for the worst eventuality by providing advice on life assurance cover, with the aim of giving you the security that you and your family need, should the worst happen. At Kaizzen Plus, our advisers work to get you the most cost-effective solutions, from a variety of providers. They assess your individual circumstances and recommend effective protective solutions for you and your family.

Term Assurance
Term Insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides coverage for a certain period of time, or a specified "term" of years. If the insured dies during the time-period specified in the policy and the policy is active, then a death benefit will be paid. Term life insurance is significantly cheaper than whole life insurance. That's because Term life has no cash value and policies are not required to pay out in case policyholders outlive the term. There are many different types of term insurance policies available. Kaizzen Plus consultants will assist you in opting for the, Term plan best suited to your individual requirements.

Whole Life Cover
Whole life insurance provides a pay-out no matter how old you are when you die, as long as the premiums were paid. Whole life also has a couple layers of complexity: The policy contains a cash value account that typically builds slowly over time. You can take loans against the cash value or withdraw money from it. Some whole life policies earns dividends. That money can be used to pay premiums or buy more life insurance, or just taken as cash.

Feel free to contact us by e-mail info@kaizzenplus.com or phone +971-4-2567208 and one of our sales representatives will contact you to schedule an appointment.

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